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In Genesis 1,2,and 3, we see the Holy Spirit actively at work during the creation week. He was the one who put things where they rightly needed to be. Also in the church, and in the work of recreating the human heart , He - Holy Spirit has ever been active. The gospel commission has been possible thus far because of leaders who shared the vision and burden to save souls; and therefore partnered with the Holy Spirit over the centuries, beginning with the apostles who turned the world upside-down- see Acts 17:6 to work for souls.
The Church is currently in a generation struggling with social values, the definitions of wright and wrong, gender, sexuality, spirituality and faith. Also, the Post-modernism culture driven by individualism and wealth, is constantly undermining faith in the Word of God. Doctrines and beliefs that were held in high esteem by our pioneers and the early church are now frowned upon and fought over. So sad that, the same beliefs that united us are the same that we allowed the enemy to use to separate us today.  In fact, most of us, both laity and clergy see congregations dwindle to where huge church buildings are shut down. 
If there was ever a time when the church needed leaders who will partner with the Holy Spirit to tactfully, gently, purposefully and constantly lead the Church to stay focused on her commission and vision for steady growth, it was now. And I feel privileged to see the Holy Spirit working with the gifts  he’s blessed me with to be the kind of a leader needed in such a time like this.

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